I have no reports to make for the five year hiatus, nor do we (third perso plural) long-fingernailed whozits in the ivory towered headquarters of launchday inc. apologize for anything other than not leapfrogging the mass of great unwashed quickly enough on our way STRAIGHT to the top but … I’ll explain away the absence by mentioning that I’ve been on one heckuva spaceship ride for five years, and boy am I glad to be back on terra firma. And let me tell you, outer space is boring. And when I say boring, I mean it. Outer space is BOOORING!
In my absence (or was it my otherworldly presence), in my absence, let me see if I got this straight now:
- Elon Musk has taken over the world
- The whole point of “social media” was to prove that there’s no point to social media …
- Did I miss anything else in the last five years?
- World hasn’t blown up yet
- Something about China yadda yadda
- [filler]
Ok, check.
So let’s get back to business. Not that I’ve ever been away from it, suckas.
I’ll leave you with the first place I went upon landing.
It’s gotta go. Needs a ‘bucks.